Secondary schools the Netherlands and Belgium

Secondary schools in the Netherlands and Belgium travel a lot. Lower years often make day trips, for example an educational trip to a museum or even a fun trip to a theme park. Upper classes travel almost always abroad. Popular destinations are the big European cities as London, Berlin, Paris and Rome. So, secondary schools are an interesting target group, especially because they often travel with big groups.

With this edition we reach 1.750 secondary schools, approximately equally divided into the Netherlands and Belgium. Most of these schools have more departments per location, for example pre-vocational education, senior general secondary education or pre-university education. Every grade of every department makes at least one school trip per year, so the opportunities on this market are very big.

Secondary schools often travel in spring (April – May) or in autumn (September – October). This newsletter will be published directly at the start of a new school year, because that’s the moment a lot of schools starting to organise their school trips.
